Marco Martins

Marco Martins
Group Leader
Technology Engineering Group

Marco Martins graduated in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) in Lisbon. He has worked in the semiconductor industry for 12 years and since 2012 integrated INL’s staff of engineers performing Application Engineer functions.
Recently helped to create the Technology Engineering Group and became group leader.
The Technology Engineering Group (TEG) is a cohesive, multifaceted engineering team that promotes INL’s core R&D&I skills, in particular in the area of system engineering. It aims to expand the installed capacities for an interdisciplinary approach to transform concepts into high-quality nano-technology based products and services.
The multidisciplinary team of Engineers from different areas, namely Mechanical, Electronic, Computer Engineering and Physics, and work very closely with each other and ensure continuity between the knowledge accumulated at INL and the existing knowledge in companies, enabling a faster and more effective data transfer.

Selected Publications
• João Valadeiro, Marilia Silva, Susana Cardoso, Marco Martins, João Gaspar, Paulo P. Freitas and Ana M. Sebastião, “Microneedles with integrated magnetoresistive sensors: a precision tool in biomedical instrumentation“ IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium 2017

• Joao Gaspar, Helder Fonseca, Elvira Paz, Marco Martins, João Valadeiro, Susana Cardoso, Ricardo Ferreira, and Paulo P. Freitas, “Flexible Magnetoresistive sensors designed for conformal integration“ IEEE Trans. Magnetics, DOI 10.1109/TMAG.2016.2623669, 2016.

• M. Costa, J. Gaspar, R. Ferreira, E. Paz, H. Fonseca, M. Martins, S. Cardoso, and P. P. Freitas, “Integration of magnetoresistive sensors with atomic force microscopy cantilevers for scanning magnetoresistance microscopy applications,” IEEE Trans. Magnetics, DOI 10.1109/TMAG.2015.2448612, 2015.

• Joao Gaspar, Helder Fonseca, Elvira Paz, Margaret Costa, Marco Martins, Ricardo Ferreira, Susana Cardoso and Paulo P. Freitas, “Fabrication and Mechanical Characterization of Flexible Devices with Sensors with Magnetoresistance Responses above 150%”, IEEE Trans. Magnetics.

• Alexandre Chicharo, Marco Martins, Susana Cardoso, P.P. Freitas, “High-throughput magnetic flow cytometer for tumor cell quantification, IEEE Trans. Magnetics

• J. Valadeiro, J. Amaral, D.C. Leitao, A.V. Silva, J. Gaspar, M. Silva, M. Costa, M. Martins , F. Franco, H. Fonseca, S. Cardoso, P.P. Freitas, “Bending Effect on Magnetoresistive Silicon Probes” , IEEE Trans. Magnetics

• De Beule, Pieter; Miranda, Adelaide; Martins, Marco; Viegas, Diana, “Simultaneous differential spinning disk fluorescence optical sectioning microscopy and nano-mechanical mapping atomic force microscopy applied to surface adhered liposomal structures” , AIP Publishing ,Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 093705 (2015)

• De Beule, Pieter; Miranda, Adelaide; Martins, Marco , “Novel imaging devices for Optical and Mechanical Characterization of supported Lipid Bi-layers at the nanoscale”